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    i. Registration Fee is $200 per week for Weekly and $30 for beginners.

    ii. A daily commission of not less than 30% of your winnings is charged on each game played.

    iii. Commissions should be paid out within 24hrs.

    iv. Late payments will lead to fines or termination of subscription.

    v. Always stake with the amount given on the App.

    vi. Always submit Payment proof on the Payout Page on the App

    vii. Renew subscription a day before the date of Expiry

    viii. It will always be assumed that you’ve played all the games posted on the app so commissions will always be charged daily.

    ix. Refunds can only be processed if you havent been given access to our App

    x. A first day commission Payout Test is carried out on the first day of your subscription.

    © 2023 Created with 1FM

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